Trust Attains Donee Status For Tax Purposes

There are four general categories of donee organisations defined in the Income Tax Act and the Commissioner of Inland Revenue is required to be satisfied that an entity complies with the relevant requirements before giving approval. In summary, organisations which may be entitled to receive donee status must be established for charitable, benevolent, philanthropic or cultural purposes. In addition to this, an organisation’s funds must be wholly or principally applied within New Zealand; and the entity must not be carried on for the private pecuniary profit of any individual. The Trust meets these requirements.

Individuals making donations over $5 to the Trust can now claim a tax credit for that donation. Please refer to the "Make A Donation" section of the website for details on how to donate to the Trust. If requested, donors will be issued with a receipt that contains the following details:

·        the donee’s name
·        the amount and date of the donation
·        clearly state that it's for a donation
·        be signed by a Trustee
·        be on the Trust's letterhead or show its name and official stamp
·        show the Trust's IRD number and registration number with Charities Services

You can confirm the donee status of the Trust,  on Inland Revenue's website, by clicking here.

(Published : 04/07/21)